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How Members Redeem Rewards In-person

How members claim rewards in-person using the in-app rewards voucher.

Chloe avatar
Written by Chloe
Updated over a year ago

Once a member has achieved their reward voucher, if they transact with your business in person, here’s how they claim their reward:

How members claim a reward face-to-face:

  1. The member selects the relevant reward voucher in their Stamp Me rewards list (gift icon)

  2. The member confirms they are ready to claim by pressing ‘redeem’ on the pop-up safety message

  3. They present the animated time-and-date stamped voucher on their phone screen to staff at checkout. An additional security lock so the member must validate against your Stamp Code (or device) is available.

  4. The merchant gives the member their reward in exchange.

  5. The reward voucher times out after 3 minutes or disappears after pressing ‘complete’.

The redemption is recorded in the Merchant Console.

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