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How to Issue Additional Rewards
How to Issue Additional Rewards

How to issue spontaneous reward vouchers to all, or select members seperate to your standard Stamp Card offering

Izzy avatar
Written by Izzy
Updated over a week ago

Rewards that are not linked to your Stamp Card offering can be sent in bulk or to individual program members at any time via your Merchant Console (Pro & Elite plans).

This feature is ideal for sending spontaneous special offers or freebies to surprise and delight your members.

Instructions how to issue reward vouchers from the Merchant Console:

  1. Login to the Merchant Console

  2. Select Communications from the red left-hand menu

  3. Select Push Notification

  4. Select location and stamp card to load specific members. Or select Show Members to load all your program members.

  5. Select members* to receive the message:

    • Select all members by checking the Select All option to the top left of the table.

    • Select individuals by scrolling and navigating pages and checking the box next to their name.

    • Search by name, email or phone number using the search box.

      *Note: data can be filtered by sorting columns ascending/descending or add more sorting options to the table by selecting the three dots to the right.

  6. Enter text into the message field to notify members of their reward (max 140 characters)

  7. Toggle Add a reward on

  8. Enter:

    • Reward name

    • Number of reward vouchers to send

    • Expiry date (optional). If none select, voucher will never expire

    • Reward voucher image (optional)

  9. Select Next

  10. Review message details, ensuring the total number of contacts selected is correct

  11. Select Send message

The message and voucher will be sent immediately, but can take up to 5 minutes depending on volume of contacts and phone network settings.

To see if it has been sent after a few minutes, check your Sent Messages outbox from the Communications area.

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