The Stamp Me App is available to download for free on Android or iOS (Apple) devices.
If you’re currently on the device you’d like to download Stamp Me on, click the relevant button below.
Or, you can simply search Stamp Me on your devices’ app store (either Google Play or Apple App Store).
New to Stamp Me? This simple guide will walk you through the registration process.
Open the Stamp Me app
Enter your phone number (including your country code)
3. Tap “Next”
4. You’ll receive a One-Time Password (OTP) via SMS
5. Enter the OTP in the app
6. Tap “Next”
Note: The app will ask if you have an existing account. Click ‘No, I need to finish registering’
7. Enter the following information:
First name *
Last name
Email address *
Communications opt-in
8. Tap “Register”
That’s it! Your account will be created and automatically logged in to the app’s home screen.
*Mandatory fields