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How to Change the Logo on a Stamp Card

Want to change the logo that shows on the front of your Stamp Card? Here's how!

Chloe avatar
Written by Chloe
Updated over a year ago

If you wish to change the logo on a Stamp Card, you can do so from your Merchant Console or by contacting us if you are on a Legacy Lite plan (subscription before 28th March 2023).

To upload correctly, the image must be formatted to 128x128 pixels, a JPG/JPEG or PNG file, and be less than 100KB.

Instructions to change a Stamp Card logo:

Legacy Consoles

(Subscription before 28th March 2023)

  1. Login to your Merchant Console

  2. Select Stamp Cards from the red left hand menu

  3. Select the stamp card you wish to edit, by clicking the relevant tab under the page heading. If you only have one stamp card, you do not need to do this.

  4. Select Edit Locations from the bottom left locations area

  5. Select the location you wish to edit from the rows and select Edit

  6. Upload a new logo

  7. Press save

Beta V3 Console

(Subscription after 28th March 2023)

  1. Login to your Merchant Console

  2. Select Stamp Cards from the red left hand menu

  3. Select the stamp card you wish to edit, by clicking on the card itself or selecting Edit Details from the three dots at top right of the card

  4. Hit Next twice to move to the Location tab

  5. Click on the three dots and select Edit

  6. Remove your current logo and upload the new one

  7. Press Save location

Changes are applied immediately to the Stamp Me App, but you may need to exit and reopen it to refresh the screen.

If you have multiple locations using a single shared stamp card and you see the incorrect logo, you should change every location logo to something generic for the card.

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